Health & Safety
The UK-Rail senior management team are committed to understanding Network Rail requirements and establishing arrangements to ensure they are met and too continually be improved on.

UK Rail treats Health and Safety seriously...
We maintains high standards of Health and Safety across all parts of the business and across all our locations. UK Rail are proud of our excellent safety record. With continual in house auditing and performance management along with external audits we pride ourselves on having a good robust management system to make us compliant throughout our business.
The UK-Rail senior management team are committed to understanding Network Rail requirements and establishing arrangements to ensure they are met and too continually be improved on.
Our culture is complete commitment to ensuring that every person who works for us, or comes into contact with our work, returns home safely, without incident or accident occurring.
Within railway projects there are specific hazards unique to the industry. The safety critical nature of the infrastructure, often coupled with working at night, operational constraints, and heavy use of plant and machinery, means safety really is our primary priority and we apply careful and meticulous preparation of all works and follow industry best practice. Uk Rail pride ourselves in having our own Safe Work Planning teams, UK Rail also have their own reporting app in which all sponsored operatives are briefed on at the time of audit this lets the company have full review of any impacting issues facing the company. UK Rail continually review the competence of our staff by having employee review programs in place to ensure the safety of all working personnel working under our control.

Working together to make our working environment better
Less accidents
Being more saftey concious is helping keep accidents down
Close call reporting
Staff are working better together to make their roles safer
More of our staff are now fully educated on saftey awareness
UK Rail are ISO 9001:2015 UKAS accredited, our main aim is to provide to our customers, products and services, which are fit for their intended purpose and are delivered conforming to the Legislative, Customers, Manufacturers and Company’s Quality Specifications, producing a quality product whilst maintaining stakeholder satisfaction in a cost-effective manner.
Our UK Rail management systems and procedures are applied to meet the quality goals of the Company to ensure the effectiveness of the quality management system and to satisfy the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2015 series promoting;

UK Rail are fully focused on the environment. Uk Rail are ISO14001 UKAS accredited. UK Rail look to implement the following environmental factors when working with our supply chain.
Waste Management – waste will be kept to a minimum, compatible with best trade practises. Only licensed waste contractors will be used to dispose of waste. Our sub-contractors shall be encouraged to apply the principals of this policy but shall be required to ensure they comply with the minimum relevant legislation.
Recycling – whenever practicable materials will be purchased from suppliers who obtain products from replaceable sources.
Noise/Dust Light - will be suppressed, where practical, to ensure that no nuisance is caused to neighbouring establishments or the general public.
Conservation of energy – We shall introduce and monitor efficient and economic use of energy in the form of heating and lighting with the objective of reducing the use of energy.
Training – All employees shall be made aware of the objectives of this policy and the contribution expected from them. Employees with high risk tasks shall be trained in the environmental aspects associated with those tasks.
Legislative Compliance – regular environmental assessments shall be carried out to ensure compliance with the legislation and the application of best available practice in environmental protection.
Environmental Objectives – will be set, monitored and reviewed to provide a management tool for my company to achieve the general aims set out in this policy statement and help achieve continuous improvement in our environment performance.